Cultural and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment


The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA) was developed at the request of the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS).

The CLCPA is intended to support community health centers on:

(1) improve health care access and utilization,

(2) enhance the quality of services within culturally diverse and underserved communities, and

(3) promote cultural and linguistic competence as essential approaches in the elimination of health disparities.

The CLCPA is based on three assumptions:

(1) achieving cultural competence is a developmental process at both the individual and organizational levels;

(2) withappropriate support, individuals can enhance their cultural awareness, knowledge and skills over time; and

(3) cultural strengths exist within organizations or networks of professionals but often go unnoticed and untapped (Mason, 1996).

Linguistic competence, while defined differently, is integrally linked to cultural competence and is an essential aspect of cross-cultural communication. The CLCPA and the outcomes of the assessment process are intended to assist organizations to identify strengths and areas of growth for policy development and administration. The CLCPA captures a wide range of data in its seven subscales including:

  • Knowledge of Diverse Communities, Organizational Philosophy, Personal
  • Involvement in Diverse Communities, Resources & Linkages, Human Resources,
  • Clinical Practice and Engagement of Diverse Communities.
  • Guidelines for Completing the CLCPA

The instrument requires that you respond to detailed questions including your awareness of supporting policy. It is important to answer every question to the best of your knowledge. There are no right or wrong answers. Your organization may use the data:

(1) to provide a summary of the strengths and areas for growth in policy
development and administration,

(2) for strategic planning, and

(3) for quality
improvement processes.

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (download pdf)