The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area is hosting a FREE, online speaker event, “Climate Actions in the Urban, Suburban, and Rural Coulee Region”, that is open to the public. Activities in our own backyard are helping to mitigate impacts from and reduce contributions to climate change. Speakers:
- Bernard Lenz, City of La Crosse Utility Director
- Rob Tyser, Mississippi Valley Conservancy Board Member
- Dave Vetrano, Biologist, Fisheries expert, Farmer
Please use this link to REGISTER for the webinar, or press the button below:
This webinar will be recorded and available on the League website and YouTube channel.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit political organization. Being nonpartisan, the League does not support or oppose candidates for public office in any election, nor does it take a stand for or against a political party. We encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and work to increase understanding of major public policy issues.