December 7th 2012 Feedback

Our December event was a great success!  We would like to thank our audience for their spirited participation, willingness to share, take risks and make the experience worthwhile!

We would also like to thank our presenter, Lor Lee, for his guidance through a wonderful process of leaving diversity tolerance behind, and the discovery of an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Based on your feedback and suggestions, the Diversity Council will endeavor to organize more trainings on issues related to cultural competence.

Keeping the audience engaged.

Keeping the audience engaged.

group exercise

group exercise


Beyond Diversity Management: Successful Inclusion Strategies

Radisson Center, December 7th, 2012

1. Instructor Rating for Lor Lee 4.79 (out of 5)
2. Environment and Support 4.45 (out of 5)
3. Learning Objectives (As a result of this program, I can….) 4.22 (out of 5)
3. How did you hear about this program Mailing: 4%Email: 38%WoM: 29%Other: 29%
4. Are you a member of the Diversity Council? Yes: 30%No: 70%
5. Did this event represent good value for money? Yes: 96%No: 4%
6. How relevant was the topic of this event for your professional development with regards to diversity, inclusion and cultural competence? Relevant: 33%Somewhat Relevant: 25%Very relevant: 42%
Comments: “The speaker, topic, and facilities were all top notch.  Having lunch served in a separate room was excellent and being served made it much more quickly too.  (…) “ “I would love to become a member of the diversity council (…)” “I appreciate this opportunity in our community.  I am hopeful this council can continue to provide opportunities for staff development on related topics in the future.” “The presenter was EXCELLENT and a very good value for the cost of the training.  He uses a variety of teaching strategies that engaged the audience and were very relevant to the topic.” “I would love to be part of a diversity council, however the distance is great.  I plan to investigate local initiatives.” “I like the descriptions of tolerance and other words on the scale of inclusiveness.  I will use this tool with my students.”
Suggestions “Shorten the lunch to 45 minutes.” “Since we had so many educators from the same building at this workshop, I think it would have been more beneficial for us to work together instead of working in different groups (…)” “(…) two trainings per year would be great: fall and spring.” “It would have been most helpful at the end of the day for the many school district folks to work together for our plan, rather than creating a virtual plan.”
Topic suggestions “More knowledge regarding specific cultures and traditions.” “(…) a longer day around micro-aggressions would be powerful.” “a continuum of training related to developing cultural competence within any organization.” “We need more cultural training.” “Concrete differences between cultures (general).  Schools are seeing a lot of African American boys entering the EBD program in elementary school.  Perhaps a greater understanding of their culture would change the view that educators have on what behaviors are acceptable in their homes.” “Scenario based conflict negotiation when cultural diversity is influencing (…).”





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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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